Every person has a unique circumstance and more importantly — a Story to Be Told. Stories to Be Told is a feature series from The Narrative Playbook that will showcase our narrators and their journey to craft a new narrative.
Today’s narrator is Tim Ito. Tim is the Co-Founder of Marketing Nice Guys a marketing services firm in Washington D.C., that helps businesses and individuals to excel at digital marketing. Tim, recently left a corporate role to pursue his dream journey to make a dent in the world as a marketing entrepreneur. Tim also teaches a very popular digital marketing course in the Masters in Integrated Marketing program at Georgetown University.
The following interview speaks to Tim’s experience going through The Narrative Playbook Guided Narrative Development program and how that has impacted his life now several months later.
“When I was first introduced to the Narrative Playbook cohort, I wasn’t sure what to expect or even how my own story would need development.”
How has your new narrative positively impacted you over the last several months?